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How to legally change your name?

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The process of legally changing your name can vary depending on your location, but generally, it involves these steps:

1. **Research**: Look up the legal requirements for changing your name in your country or state/province. Requirements can vary, so make sure you understand what is needed.

2. **Petition**: Complete the necessary forms to petition for a name change. These forms are typically available from your local courthouse or government office.

3. **File the Petition**: Submit your completed petition along with any required documentation (such as proof of identification, birth certificate, etc.) to the appropriate court or government office.

4. **Publication**: In some jurisdictions, you may be required to publish a notice of your name change in a local newspaper. This is to inform the public of your intention to change your name.

5. **Court Hearing**: Depending on your location and circumstances, you may need to attend a court hearing where a judge will review your petition.

6. **Obtain a Court Order**: If your petition is approved, you will receive a court order officially granting your name change.

7. **Update Legal Documents**: With your court order in hand, you can begin updating your name on various legal documents such as your driver's license, passport, social security card, bank accounts, etc.

It's essential to follow all the necessary legal steps and requirements to ensure your name change is recognized officially. If you're unsure about any part of the process, consider consulting with a legal professional or contacting your local courthouse for guidance.

For that correction you will have to go to the NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) office. Go there with the proper documents (like birth certificate, school certificate, etc) which prove your real name according to records.