in Cryptocurrency by (0 points)
What are some key differences between Bitcoin's "proof-of-work" consensus mechanism and Ethereum's upcoming "proof-of-stake" mechanism?

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2 Answers

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by (0 points)

Some key differences between Bitcoin's "proof-of-work" consensus mechanism and Ethereum's upcoming "proof-of-stake" mechanism are:

  1. Resource Usage: In proof-of-work (PoW), miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles using_
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by (0 points)
One key difference between Bitcoin's "proof-of-work" consensus mechanism and Ethereum's upcoming "proof-of-stake" mechanism is the way they validate transactions. In proof-of-work, miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and create new blocks on the blockchain, while in proof-of-stake, validators are chosen to create new blocks based on the number of coins they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral. Another key difference is energy consumption; proof-of-work systems like Bitcoin require significant computational power and energy consumption to mine new blocks, while proof-of-stake systems like Ethereum's upcoming upgrade aim to be more energy-efficient by not relying on intensive mining processes.