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Animals contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem resilience in various ways. They play key roles in maintaining ecosystem balance and functioning. Some of the ways animals contribute include:

  1. Pollination: Many animals, such as bees, butterflies, and birds, are important pollinators that help in the reproduction of plants. This process is essential for the production of fruits, seeds, and new plants, thereby supporting biodiversity.

  2. Seed dispersal: Animals help in the dispersal of seeds of various plant species, aiding in the regeneration of forests and other vegetation. This contributes to the diversity of plant species within an ecosystem.

  3. Regulating populations: Predators help in controlling the populations of prey species, which prevents any one species from becoming too dominant and disrupting the balance of the ecosystem.

  4. Nutrient cycling: Animals play a role in nutrient cycling by recycling nutrients through processes such as decomposition and consumption. This helps in maintaining the fertility of the soil and the overall health of the ecosystem.

  5. Adaptation and resilience: Animals themselves are diverse and have evolved various adaptations to survive in different habitats and conditions. This diversity adds to the overall resilience of the ecosystem, as different species may respond differently to environmental changes or disturbances.

Overall, animals are an integral part of ecosystems, and their presence and interactions contribute significantly to biodiversity and the resilience of natural systems.

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Animals contribute to biodiversity by playing various roles in ecosystems. They help maintain the balance of ecosystems by controlling populations of other species, dispersing seeds, pollinating plants, and recycling nutrients. This diversity of species helps ecosystems be more resilient to environmental changes and disturbances, as different species may be more or less affected by certain conditions, ensuring that some species can survive and adapt to changing conditions.