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3 Answers

0 votes
by (535 points)

The Romdul (Capparis cartilaginea) is a striking, drought-resistant flowering plant that has earned the esteemed title of Bahrain's national flower. This remarkable flower is celebrated for its adaptability to the harsh desert environment, making it a fitting emblem for the people of Bahrain.

0 votes
by (2.8k points)
The national flower of Bahrain is the Desert Hyacinth (Cistanche tubulosa).
0 votes
by (13 points)

The Romdul (Capparis cartilaginea) is a striking, drought-resistant flowering plant that has earned the esteemed title of Bahrain's national flower. This remarkable flower is celebrated for its adaptability to the harsh desert environment, making it a fitting emblem for the people of Bahrain.

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