in Construction and Repair by (19 points)
The statue of Liberty

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3 Answers

0 votes
by (4 points)
The Statue of Liberty was built between 1875 and 1886. It was given by the French to the Americans as a sign of friendship between the two nations and in honor of the centenary of American independence. The statue was installed on Liberty Island in the port of New York and became a symbol of freedom and democracy for many people around the world.
0 votes
by (2.8k points)
The Statue of Liberty was built in France starting in 1875 and was completed in 1884. It was then disassembled and shipped to the United States, where it was reassembled and dedicated on October 28, 1886.
0 votes
by (109 points)
when the people decided it is time for lady liberty to be a symbol that will be remembered for all times

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