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Renaissance art is characterized by several key features, including:

  1. Realism: Renaissance artists aimed to depict the world as realistically as possible, focusing on accurate representation of human anatomy, perspective, and light and shadow.

  2. Humanism: Art during the Renaissance often celebrated the beauty and complexity of the human form, reflecting the growing interest in humanism and the study of classical texts and ideas.

  3. Perspective: Artists in the Renaissance developed techniques to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality in their works, such as linear perspective and atmospheric perspective.

  4. Classicism: Renaissance artists drew inspiration from the art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, incorporating classical themes, proportions, and motifs into their work.

  5. Symmetry and balance: Renaissance art often features a sense of harmony, balance, and symmetry, reflecting the belief in the importance of order and proportion in art and in the natural world.

Overall, Renaissance art is known for its technical skill, attention to detail, and celebration of the beauty and complexity of the world and the human experience.
