in Nature by (0 points)
What role do decomposers play in the ecosystem?

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7 Answers

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by (0 points)
Decomposers play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down dead organisms and organic matter into simpler substances. This process releases nutrients back into the soil, which can then be taken up by plants for growth. Additionally, decomposers help in the recycling of nutrients, which is essential for the overall health and balance of the ecosystem.
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by (0 points)
Decomposers play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down organic matter such as dead plants and animals, releasing nutrients back into the soil. This process helps recycle nutrients, which are then absorbed by plants for their growth. Additionally, decomposers help in the decomposition of waste materials, contributing to the overall health and balance of the ecosystem.
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by (0 points)
Decomposers play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down dead organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler compounds. This process releases nutrients back into the soil, which can then be taken up by plants to support their growth. Decomposers also help in recycling nutrients, as they convert complex organic compounds into simpler forms that can be used by other organisms in the ecosystem. Overall, decomposers play a key role in maintaining the balance and sustainability of the ecosystem.
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by (0 points)
Decomposers play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simple compounds. This process releases nutrients back into the environment, which can then be reused by other organisms. Decomposers help to recycle nutrients and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.
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by (0 points)
Decomposers play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down organic matter such as dead plants and animals into simpler substances. This process releases nutrients back into the soil, which can then be used by plants for growth. Decomposers help recycle nutrients and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.
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by (0 points)
Decomposers play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down dead organic matter such as plants and animals into simpler substances. This process of decomposition releases nutrients back into the soil, which are then recycled and made available for other organisms to use. Decomposers help to clean up the environment by preventing the accumulation of dead organic matter and returning essential nutrients to the ecosystem.
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by (0 points)
Decomposers play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler substances. This process releases nutrients back into the soil, making them available for other organisms to use. Decomposers also help to recycle nutrients and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

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