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2 Answers

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Construction projects can incorporate principles of passive design for energy efficiency by implementing strategies such as:

  1. Proper building orientation to maximize natural light and heat gain in winter while minimizing heat gain in summer.
  2. High-performance insulation to reduce heat transfer through walls, roof, and floors.
  3. Energy-efficient windows and doors to minimize air leakage and heat loss.
  4. Thermal mass materials to absorb and store heat during the day and release it at night.
  5. Natural ventilation systems to promote airflow and reduce the need for mechanical cooling.
  6. Shading devices like overhangs, awnings, and trees to block direct sunlight and reduce cooling loads.
  7. Reflective roofing materials to decrease heat absorption and reduce cooling needs.

By incorporating these passive design principles, construction projects can enhance energy efficiency, reduce reliance on mechanical heating and cooling systems, and create more comfortable and sustainable buildings.

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by (0 points)
Construction projects can incorporate principles of passive design for energy efficiency by utilizing strategies such as proper building orientation to maximize natural light and minimize heat gain, effective insulation to reduce energy loss, using high-performance windows for better insulation and natural ventilation to reduce the need for mechanical cooling. Additionally, incorporating elements such as shading devices like overhangs or awnings can help control solar heat gain in the warmer months. Overall, passive design aims to optimize the building's natural surroundings to reduce the need for artificial heating and cooling, thus enhancing energy efficiency.