in Science and Education by (745 points)
How many moons does Saturn have?

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24 Answers

+1 vote
by (28 points)
146 moons.
0 votes
by (3 points)
145 moons
0 votes
by (1 point)
0 votes
by (4 points)
Saturn has a total of 82 moons
0 votes
by (2.8k points)
Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun, has a total of 82 confirmed moons.
0 votes
by (775 points)
One fourty five moons.
0 votes
by (307 points)
Saturn has a total of 146 moons around itself. Both satellite and non-satellite moons.
0 votes
by (30 points)

Saturn has a total of 82 known moons. However, it's important to note that new moons are sometimes discovered through ongoing observation and research. So, the number of known moons may have changed since then.

0 votes
by (6 points)
Saturn has 82 confirmed moons.
0 votes
by (415 points)
Saturn has a total of 82 moons. Bum

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