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2 Answers

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by (0 points)
Mathematics informs our understanding of infinity by providing various concepts and structures that help us grasp the idea of infinity. For example, in calculus, we use limits to approach infinity, and in set theory, we use different types of infinities such as countable and uncountable infinities. Additionally, in number theory, concepts like infinite series and continued fractions help us explore the properties of infinity further. Mathematics also helps us understand the notion of infinity through paradoxes like Hilbert's Hotel and Zeno's paradoxes, which challenge our intuition about infinite quantities.
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by (0 points)
Mathematics informs our understanding of infinity by providing tools and frameworks to study and comprehend this abstract concept. Through concepts like infinite sequences, limits, and set theory, mathematics allows us to explore the nature of infinity and develop a more precise understanding of its properties and implications. Math also helps us tackle paradoxes and challenges related to infinity, leading to advancements in various fields such as calculus, number theory, and geometry. Overall, mathematics serves as a powerful tool in unraveling the mysteries surrounding the concept of infinity and expanding our knowledge of the infinite.