in Other by (13 points)
What it mean Alarm?

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3 Answers

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by (2.8k points)
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An alarm is a device or signal that warns or alerts people to a specific situation or danger. It is used to notify individuals of an emergency or a scheduled event. Alarms can be found in various settings such as homes, workplaces, vehicles, and public spaces to ensure safety and security.
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by (391 points)
"Alarm" generally refers to a signal or alert, often indicating an emergency, danger, or a specified time. It can be an audible sound, visual indication, or both, designed to draw attention and prompt action. Alarms are commonly used in various settings such as security systems, fire alarms, wake-up alarms, and notifications for important events or deadlines.
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by (10.6k points)

It is no diffuilt to explain your question. But your question is good. 

"Alarm" typically refers to a device or system that is used to alert people to a specific danger or situation. It could be a sound, a visual signal, or both, designed to get attention quickly. For example, a fire alarm warns of a fire, a car alarm alerts of potential theft or break-in, and so on.
