in History by (745 points)
How were the pyramids built?

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2 Answers

0 votes
by (89 points)
The pyramids were built using amazing and pioneering technologies for their time. Some popular theories of how the pyramids were built include the use of long ramps extending from the base of the pyramid to the top, which were used to lift the stones with ropes and wooden pots filled with water to improve sliding. The ramps were then removed while construction took place. Evidence also indicates that a large, well-trained workforce was used and organized effectively to achieve this monumental achievement. All of these operations required advanced engineering skills, precise organization, and enormous labor effort.
0 votes
by (2.8k points)
The pyramids were built by ancient Egyptians using a workforce of skilled laborers, farmers, and craftsmen. They quarried massive stones and transported them to the construction site using sledges and wooden rollers. The stones were then lifted into place using ramps, levers, and pulleys. It is believed that the construction of the pyramids was organized and overseen by a team of architects and engineers.

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