in Garden by (0 points)
How do I create a sensory garden?

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1 Answer

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by (0 points)

To create a sensory garden, you can follow these steps:

  1. Choose a location: Select a spot in your yard or garden that receives plenty of sunlight and is easily accessible for you to enjoy.

  2. Plan your layout: Consider the size of your garden and what sensory elements you want to include, such as plants with different textures, scents, colors, and sounds.

  3. Select plants: Choose a variety of plants that appeal to the senses, such as fragrant flowers, herbs, plants with interesting textures, and those that attract butterflies and birds.

  4. Add features: Incorporate elements like wind chimes, water features, bird feeders, and wind sculptures to enhance the sensory experience.

  5. Include seating: Place benches or chairs in your sensory garden so you can relax and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells.

  6. Maintain your garden: Regularly water, prune, and weed your sensory garden to keep it looking beautiful and appealing to the senses.

By following these steps, you can create a beautiful and engaging sensory garden that will delight all your senses.
