in Garden by (0 points)
How do I prune my garden plants properly?

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2 Answers

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by (0 points)
Pruning garden plants properly involves using clean, sharp tools to remove dead or overgrown branches to promote healthy growth. Make sure to prune at the right time of year for each specific plant type and to cut at a 45-degree angle just above a bud or lateral branch. It's important to research each plant species to understand their specific pruning needs for optimal results.
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by (0 points)

To prune your garden plants properly, you should follow these general guidelines:

  1. Use clean, sharp tools to make clean cuts.
  2. Remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches first.
  3. Cut at a 45-degree angle, just above a bud or lateral branch.
  4. Avoid cutting too close to the main stem or leaving stubs.
  5. Consider the plant's growth habits and prune accordingly (e.g., shrubs for shape, fruit trees for production).
  6. Regularly inspect your plants and prune as needed to maintain health and shape. Remember to research specific plants for any unique pruning requirements they may have.

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