in History by (745 points)
How many people died in the Holocaust?

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5 Answers

0 votes
by (535 points)

Approximately 2.7 million Jews were murdered at killing centers.

0 votes
by (2.8k points)
Approximately six million Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust, along with millions of others including Romani people, Poles, disabled individuals, and others considered undesirable by the Nazi regime. The total death toll is estimated to be around 11 million people.
0 votes
by (89 points)
Approximately six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, along with millions of other victims, including Roma, disabled individuals, Slavs, political dissidents, homosexuals, and others
0 votes
by (89 points)
Approximately six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, along with millions of others, including Roma, disabled individuals, Slavs, political dissidents, homosexuals, and others, bringing the total number of deaths to around 11 million
0 votes
by (133 points)
uring World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some ...

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