in Animals and Pets by (0 points)
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2 Answers

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by (0 points)
Animals perceive time and memory differently compared to humans due to their varying brain structures and cognitive abilities. While humans have a well-developed sense of time and long-term memory capacity, animals may have a more limited concept of time and memory retention. Some animals may rely more on instinctual behaviors and short-term memory to navigate their environments, while humans have the ability to store and recall vast amounts of information over extended periods of time. Each species' perception of time and memory is shaped by their evolutionary adaptations and environmental needs.
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by (0 points)
Animals perceive time and memory differently compared to humans. While humans have a well-developed sense of time and can remember events from the past, animals' perception of time is more limited and may be more focused on immediate needs and survival instincts. Additionally, animals may not have the same capacity for long-term memory and may rely more on instinctual behaviors for survival.